Modul switching statis fase tunggal dengan input ganda 8KVA level daya 500 peta sts transfer statis
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The STS static transfer switch is a product specially designed for key equipment requiring uninterrupted power supply, and a contactless electronic switch device designed to realize mutual backup and quick switchover between two AC power supplies. It allows automatic or manual switchover, and the switchover time is S4ms so that continuous power supply to key equipment can be ensured.

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Modul switching statis fase tunggal dengan input ganda 8KVA level daya 500 peta sts transfer statis

The STS static transfer switch is a product specially designed for key equipment requiring uninterrupted power supply, and a contactless electronic switch device designed to realize mutual backup and quick switchover between two AC power supplies. It allows automatic or manual switchover, and the switchover time is S4ms so that continuous power supply to key equipment can be ensured.

Karakteristik teknis saka switch transfer statis STS perusahaan kita:

◆Adopsi kontrol digital lengkap, kemampuan anti-gangguan kuwat lan kacepetan operasi cepet.
◆ Ngalih wektu <5ms, linuwih dhuwur; otomatis lan manual ngoper.
◆ Kapasitas kakehan sing kuwat, bisa tahan boot load lengkap.
◆Kanthi input over-voltage, kurang voltase, output over-voltase, kurang voltase, over-suhu, kakehan lan fungsi pangayoman liyane.
◆Panel ngarep dilengkapi layar ngawasi (ora kurang saka 10KVA), lan informasi status cetha ing Mirit.


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