alamat:9 / F, bangunan 20, Arex Science and Technology Industrial Park, 19 Jalan Huifeng Timur, Zhongkai High-tech Zone, Kutha Huizhou, Provinsi Guangdong
alamat:9 / F, bangunan 20, Arex Science and Technology Industrial Park, 19 Jalan Huifeng Timur, Zhongkai High-tech Zone, Kutha Huizhou, Provinsi Guangdong
Power inverter pure sine wave 110v dc to 220v ac 1000w 2000w 3000w 4000w 5000w 6000w inverter
Ndeleng gambar liyane
It uses a novel design structure that helps users to provide Pure, daya AC stabil lan awet kanggo mbukak kritis, and has the same high reliability as the AC power supply system. The design characteristics of the dedicated communication pure sine wave inverter ensure the seamless conversion between the AC and DC power supply, meh ora ana wektu tundha konversi, and build in the static switch.
Power inverter pure sine wave 110v dc to 220v ac 1000w 2000w 3000w 4000w 5000w 6000w inverter
Deskripsi Produk:
his type Rack mount Inverter with a new generation of dual input inverter solution designed for the field of communication applications, sing cocok kanggo linuwih saka sistem komunikasi. The solution is equipped with 220V AC power supply and 110V DC power Input , sing ngisi longkangan antarane sumber daya UPS tradisional lan solusi inverter gelombang sinus murni umum.
Fitur Produk:
Standar 19" Rack Mount 2 RUChassis;
Output gelombang sinus sing bener (T.H.D < 3%);
Gedhe 128*64 informasi data tampilan Lcd digital,4 tampilan led digunakake;
5 Rute kontak garing kanggo sistem (kesalahan input DC, kesalahan input AC, informasi kakehan, informasi by-pass lan fault output);
RS232 lan RS485 & Port komunikasi SNMP opsional;
Power-on self-test, wiwitan output alus,Wiwiti maneh otomatis nalika Ac utawa Dc pulih;
Fungsi ngalih otomatis: DC kanggo AC, AC bypass, kurang saka 5ms;
Ngawasi wektu nyata status operasi sistem,Weker swara lan visual;
Rekam pesen weker sejarah lan bisa ditakoni;
Dibangun ing regulator voltase Stabilake voltase AC;
Maintenance bypass / DC kasedhiya;
pangayoman :Proteksi beban cendhak, pangayoman overload, baterei liwat / ing pangayoman voltase, liwat saiki, liwat suhu;